Phone: 214-504-9935 Email:

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I ask questions before I buy it?

Yes, please do! You have about 30 days to use the model as a demo, and I'll be happy to help you get started. Call, or email, or Skype VOIP is a free Internet phone for either voice or chat.

This is a spreadsheet file but! can't see the usual toolbars. Can I modify it?

The native toolbars are hidden from view to prevent damage to the pro forma's structure. With such a variety of users it is almost impossible to remotely support the model in unprotected mode. Think of Excel as a programming environment, and the pro forma as a finished application. You have access to most of the print set-up features through the print preview screens. Most users find it easier and more reliable to see only the dedicated toolbar. It is easy to inadvertently damage an unprotected model and then blame spreadsheets as being unreliable. The real danger is subtle damage that causes errors that no one sees until the reports are in a loan package and its too late. The settings area on the Start Tab allows the user to control many common issues automatically. The native toolbars should reappear after closing the pro forma. The Executive Summary and Budget Tabs can be Exported to a new Excel workbook for custom formatting. Just press "Export" on the toolbar and the new workbook will appear. This data can be reformatted for printing but not recalculated.

Can I email this file to my partner?

What about just the Summary report? You can email the whole model to anyone you like. It creates a demo wherever it lands. For emailing individual reports, a .pdf writer such as Adobe Distiller works great. This installs like a printer and you select it in the print window. The report goes into a file you can email or print without Excel. There are also several free .pdf writers you can find with a web search. A third option is to use Microsoft OneNote TM or other products to capture screen images and paste them to other documents for presentation or emailing. You can also email the Exported data (see above).

Does this pro forma work with land development or multi-family property development projects?

Not really. I have a separate product for land development with unit sales. Check my website periodically for other product releases.

Can I add more capital categories? (such as more lenders or partners)

Yes. The unlimited license allows up to 6 capital sources which can be used for debt or equity. One of these can be used to refinance original debt or other capital. The demo and small projects license is still limited to 3 capital sources, and they can be used as debt or equity.

Can I get (link to) data from other Excel workbooks?

Yes. Goto any unprotected data entry cell in the proforma. Enter a formula that references the outside data. Example: =[BookName]SheetNamel$A$1 gets data from cell Al.

If I buy this can I use it on all my computers?

The license is only for the computer where it is installed. You can demo the model for 1 month on another computer, but for regular use you would need to purchase an additional license for each computer.

Do I need to pay again to get updates and new releases?

No, there is no charge for subsequent releases of the same product.

Do I need to reenter my data if I download a later release?

Yes, but you can usually keep using earlier releases of the model. Most projects don't take long to set up. You can check out any new features and decide if you want to reapply your project or keep using the old one. I recommend using the latest release for new projects.

What are the Small Project License limitations?

There are restrictions on number of phases; capital items; unit sale types; detail projection columns and a ceiling on total project cost and gross sales. On the Toolbar, click License... Status to see the limits.

What if I get a new computer?

I will work with you to transfer your license. Ideally you would follow the uninstall procedure and fax or email the record. Then I'll issue a new license for the new hardware.

What if I upgrade my Excel?

Will the pro forma work with later releases of Excel? That depends on Microsoft. If it does not, an update will be posted on the web site for free download.

Can I use the Excel 2007 pro forma with earlier releases of Excel?

No. This release is for exclusive se with Excel 2007 or later.

Do you charge for support?

Basic support related to purchasing, installation or quick questions is always free. I charge hourly for financial work pertaining to real estate development work.

Can the pro forma be customized for a particular client?

Yes, but it can take quite a bit of time. I'll be glad to provide a free estimate with no obligation.

Do you do custom programming in Excel?

Yes. Please send me your specs. And I'll estimate the cost and work time.

How do I buy it?

What about the "demo" labels? The demo labels will disappear when the model is licensed. The easiest way to buy is to press the credit card button on the invoice (Click License... Buy). This is a secure transaction through PayPal®. You do not need to have a Paypal account to use the feature. With a credit card purchase I can issue a user license within minutes. My office hours are 8-5 M-F, CST. If you purchase off-hours the license will be issued the next business morning. (If you use a Paypal E-check or mail a paper check there will be a clearing delay of a week or more).

What if I find an error in the software?

This can happen, although rarely. Please let me know right away and I will update the product, no charge. Your Excel program may need updating: Microsoft has released service packs for all releases of Excel. If you do not have an important service pack, Excel can be unstable. This is a free download from Please feel free to recommend features you might like to see in the model and I will try to work them into the next update.
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